AMRAP Kids Strength and Conditioning

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today we bring back the topic of raising physically well-developed children. Majority of parents recognizes and understands that while everybody is born with a certain potential, whatever it is, it needs to be developed and worked on regularly. It takes attention, work and time to help your children develop the various essential skills.

Before developing the skills, however, children need to develop their bodies to provide adequate physical strength to support further development, where everything is in good balance – good strong arms, legs, feet, etc. The entire "system" needs to operate in unison, for it is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Good physical development does not happen on it's own. It requires a systematic approach and consistent work. Even the ones born with better genetic makeup than others, could benefit tremendously from proper guidance.

During these shoe-wearing-days, there is one more thing to do before even starting the work – take the shoes off! The proper development of feet is essential for the proper development of the entire body. It is important to allow your children (of all ages) to run around barefoot (shoeless) on a daily basis. This could be added to the daily routine at any point and at any age to start enjoying the benefits. The earlier you start, the better it is. The benefits of spending time barefoot greatly out-weigh the occasional accidents, bruises and cuts, which actually will help develop a better perception, as well.

Always remember, however, that "barefoot" does not equal "correct" movement. "Correct" needs to be taught by developing a better perception and "barefoot" helps us get there faster and on better terms.

Shoes are the necessary evil these days, so wearing the right shoes is extremely important. Unfortunately, 99% of modern shoes do not protect and help, they harm and disable human feet. Do a search online and you will find plenty of articles by various reputable professionals on this topic. The other rare 1% is very suitable and highly recommended for daily wear as well as for athletic training.

We will continue this topic in the following articles by helping you build an acceptable and effective regimen for your children. In conclusion of today's segment, we'd like to point out one very important aspect of working on proper physical development from an early age.

This is a real treat that comes as a bonus, but is actually a direct result of the approach developed and implemented by Dr. Romanov. It is his belief based on already existing results, that consistent work and correct actions create a possibility of not only developing solid basics, but also taking it a whole world further by eventually correcting genetically predetermined disadvantages.

Article by Dr. Nicholas Romanov
Composed by L. Romanov 

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